

Out of Office Reply for: K.

I’m heading out of town and up to Tahoe this weekend to chillax with my girlies (and swig some good drinks and dance on a bar and wear my super cute ruffly sexy top* with my cat-call red skirt). You know, bachelorette style**.

And while I do think the whole bachelor(ette) party thing has gotten slightly out of hand***, I’m super excited for just some time off and time away. Give BFD a chance to miss me, already.

* Can ruffles be sexy?
** Umm, when I was a bachelorette, I mostly did what a do now, with a few notable exceptions where I end up hungover, sick, and lonely the next day. Have no problems whatsoever bidding my bachelorette life**** goodbye.
*** since when is it a party that lasts all weekend? not that I’m complaining now, but I’m not paying.
****Also, I haven’t been single in three years; isn’t that when my bachelorette life ended?

lookee what I got!

Isn’t she preeeetty! And seeing as how I just spilled soda on my laptop, she’s way too good for me.

I’m still spending time getting to know her — all her myriad strengths, quirks, and preferences are as yet unknown. BUT I can already take pictures that make me want to chuck my previous camera out the window. AND I’m going to totally take classes and become a grade-A photog. Just watch.

(ok, so it’s only an Eos Rebel, Canon’s absolutely bottom-line dslr, but, it’s still pretty and still a MAJOR upgrade from my last camera which took double AAs. And I’m excited about it. So there.)

image via commons.wikimedia.org


At least we hope so. These babies, representative of ungodly woman-hours and approximately three times the original budget, are out the door, winging their way into the mail boxes* of our dearly beloved.

As you can clearly see, we went the do-it-yourself route. Definitely not do-it-together, as Meg would say, as BFD did not do anything for three straight months that wasn’t a) working ludicrous hours or b) study for his architecture licensing exam. So, yes, the idea was: Save Money! Make It Personal! DIY! We can do this, even though we have never done anything resembling creating stationary before!

To be honest, the whole experience was so much more than I would have thought — more time, more money, more emotions. Paper can be intense, people!

And even though (as again you can clearly see) not a single one turned out perfect, I love our invites in the sort of way that squeezes your heart and makes your breath catch. They make me giddy excited, they make my head swim, and they do make me cringe just a bit. I am alternatively traditional*, but my family is traditional traditional and, I swear, I’ve fielded enough outlandish feedback about our “unique” and “quirky” wedding to make this self-conscious woman want to bow out.

Also, as you’ll note, these are not photos of the invitations but rather the envelopes. I took no decent photos of the invites as yet, but there are one or two posing as a backdrop for pictures of manhattans and coupe glasses somewhere around here, if you care to poke around.

ps – I snagged the post title from Mouse at Souris Mariage, who is AWESOME.

pps – Can I rant for a moment about the misplaced emphasis on wedding invitations? But, oh, they set the tone for your perfect day, and for your perfect day to actually be perfect each and every single minute detail must be perfectly color-coded, perfectly timed, perfectly et al. You wouldn’t want to risk your big day being perfect-ish, would you?

*And — let’s face it — to be subjected to rough and tumble USPS treatment, cluttered side tables, and eventual disposal in waste baskets in at least 10 different states.

**Another of Meg’s terms from A Practical Wedding (or something very like).

Photos: all by me on iPhone4 (pls don’t be mean; photography lessons have not started yet; someday I’m sure I’ll learn to keep my own shadow out of the shot.) 

bored at work

So…. time to play the baby cheetah game! Three rounds, no holds barred competition of cuteness!

Baby cheetah:

Baby human:

Baby cheetah:

Baby human:

Baby cheetah:

baby human:

Is it wrong that when conversations of parenthood arise among us newly & soon-to-be married women, my perpetual answer is I’d rather have a baby cheetah? I mean look at their little kitty faces with their furry little spots! Plus it’s hard not to admire a baby that can run and jump and scratch your eyes out hours after birth, when compared with our little do-nothing lumps who lie about for years. I’m sorry, but it’s no contest, right?

photo credits: 1 – hulivili via flickr; 2 – copyblogger; 3 – BBC News; 4 – baby from The Hangover via Houston Press; 5 – The Nest (that’s not a joke; they do actually talk about baby animals on The Nest); 6 – someuglybaby.com

airplane karma

Am I alone in seeing the bad mojo that is reclining airplane seats? In reclining, a person is encroaching upon the space, rights, and – even – dignity of another, who in turn is likely to encroach upon another behind her, creating a whole chain of funky mojo. Bad karma wafts about, everyone is ticked off, everyone is feeling ungenerous towards everyone. In short, the milk of human kindness sours and no one is feeling that happy groove we may have fleetingly felt embarking upon the journey home.

To say nothing of feeling royally ticked off when one wantonly crashes her big behind down sending one’s tray table on a trajectory straight into one’s knee. 

A plane is a microcosm for our larger journey together; let’s try to be a bit nicer to one another. Or I will knee the back of your chair odd intervals so neither if us will relax.

( luckily for both of us, playing Cat Stevens at top volume zens me out; before I mean to, I feel groovy towards almost all. and as if sensing the lift in the communal feeling, ms.-I-recline-if-I-very-well-want-to seems to raise her chair, if only just a tad)

photo: Catherine O’Hara going through her own airport crisis in Home Alone.


Wedding of a close cousin this weekend. It felt a bit dreamlike; I’ve been thinking about wedding-ness stuff so much for months now that Saturday felt surreal. That is, until I hit the dance floor.

This will be me in two months and two weeks.

photo by me on iPhone4

Lots of folks talk about them; few have any idea how to make one.

They do not contain grenadine of any sort. That’s just insulting.

They do not get served in a martini glass; martinis do.

Classicly, they are not made with bourbon; but this is something that is easy to ignore.

I was once ribbed so badly for requesting a dry mahattan; I have since been schooled.

They are the perfect drink before dinner.

They are wonderful in late fall, as they are in warmer and colder times.

They can be found at real bars; if the bar you’re in cannot make one, you’re not at a real bar.

Bitters are your friend; know them well.

The quality of the cocktail is not determined by the costliness of the bourbon. Remember that.

One manhattan is a party starter; two manhattans are a daring feat; three and you’re just tempting fate.

They are the perfect drink after dinner.

Maraschino cherries are for lame-os — or when you do not have drunken cherries handy.

BFD and I fell in love over a couple manhattans; indeed, consuming hundreds during the course of courtship. Maybe that explains a things or two about me as well.

photo by me

Prop 8 = Unconstitutional

I had a second post planned, something that’d be enticing and witty, but I couldn’t not post this.

Looking at this photo made me tear up. I mean, look at her face — the elation, the surprise, is heartbreaking in a way. It’s seems so clearly wrong to me that people in the US have to fight for basic rights. As an engaged person planning a wedding, this is something that strikes straight to my heart.

This is good to see but also a reminder that the road ahead is lo-ooong.

image from sfgate, by Paul Chinn 


Yes bourbon, and yes love — but also no. As in, no, I am not an complete boozehound. I’m just a gal who appreciates a fine cocktail.

Bourbon reminds me that life is a marathon, not a sprint; to slow down and appreciate the mellow goldenness of — say — a late San Francisco afternoon in October; that some small things (a drunken cherry), some small moments (the clink of chilled glasses) can be quite perfect.

Boozehound or not, I have decided to act on my spasmodic, quarter-life-crisis-like impulse to not let myself be closed in by the 9-5, limited to this one thing I do 40 hours a week. To not let my potential for creativity slowly dwindle and grey and die as I sit idly by in my cube. Of course, I will write a blog! Writing is fun and writing is sexy and I’m so ready! For sure, there will be bourbon and talk of love, and travel. And things I’ve always been interested in and never done. And definitely the random baby cheetah.

So with that hope in my heart, and persistent and pessimistic thoughts shunted aside, here we go!